The Infrathin Seminar is an ongoing series hosted by the International Congress for Infrathin Studies (ICIS), featuring intimately scaled, online conversation experiments. This seminar engages surrealist methods to instigate exploratory, creative exchanges on topics of urgency. The Infrathin Seminar, and the ICIS in general, is an affirmative response following a prophetic critique. We believe the absence of a human response adequate to multivalent existential crises is fundamentally due to a dearth of imagination. In his book Capitalist Realism, Mark Fisher asserts that “it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” The Infrathin Seminar offers participants surrealist approaches for instigating and continuing the necessary work of reviving our collective imagination. We therefore invite you to exercise your imagination, to take risks, play, and experiment in order to glimpse possible new worlds.